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Difference between Skin and Toners

What is the difference between Skin and Toners? This is something I’ve always thought about, and today, I will be answering this question in detail!
So, what is the difference between Skin and Toners? I wonder whether I should use both or just the one. Well, there is a clear difference between the two!!

To simply things, Toners should be understood as a step that follows right after cleansing and Skin falls under the prep step of the main treatment or skincare.
Double or multiple cleansing using a form cleanser not only irritates the skin causing dryness, but it also has limitations to fully remove dead skin cells and make-up residues.
This is where Toner comes in play, and wipes away the remaining residue and clarifies the skin after cleansing.
This is where the term, wet a cotton pad with the toner and wipe away derives from.

Skin should be considered as a type of lotion. It helps calm irritated skin after cleansing, and prepares skin’s condition for better absorption for the following steps of skincare, such as essence or serum.
So then, how do we choose which Skin and Toners?

Skin and Toners can both be used if their ingredients are non-irritating; however, it can be costly and very time consuming.
Therefore, it is good to know that these pre-makeup skincare products are simply used to prepare the skin, and its’ main focus isn’t greatly on supplying nourishment.

If you have dry or sensitive skin, it is best to avoid using Toners. But, if you have combination skin type, it is recommended to use Toners to balance oily areas, such as T-zone.
Now you can differentiate between Skin and Toners!!! Best of luck for good skincare~!

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